Dental anxiety is a recognized psychological condition known as dental anxiety that causes an individual to feel undue fear and anxiety during basic dental procedures. Your comfort is very important to us. When scheduling your appointment let us know if you experience dental anxiety. So we can help to put you at ease.
It’s not common for different people to experience dental anxiety for different reasons. For some people the anxiety is linked to a feeling that they don’t control over their own body. Asking a few basic questions at the start of the procedure can help you ask intelligent questions. Gaining a deeper understanding of what is going on helps many people feel empowered.
Some people feel that the mouth is an intimate part of the body and might not feel comfortable exposing it a stranger. If you happen to feel this way, it’s important to remember that our dentists and hygienists are trained professionals. They are passionate about providing you with the highest level of dental care.
Some people are put at ease by breathing nitrous oxide. If this is an option you would like to explore, please feel free to ask you dentist or hygienist about your options.
If you have issues with dental anxiety and you would like to explore your options beforehand, please feel free to call our office at [phone] to schedule your next appointment. We look forward to providing you with quality dental care in a comfortable setting.