A Special Focus on Improved Oral Hygiene Helps Prevent Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that often results from poor oral hygiene that has failed to remove plaque and food residue from your teeth. When this happens, these substances can harden into calculus. More commonly known as tartar, this bacterial-rich substance can cause significant inflammation and potential infection in the gum tissues.

Early symptoms of gingivitis include gums that appear red or inflamed. They tend to bleed easily when brushing and flossing. It could even include issues with chronic bad breath. This level of infection in the gums can often be remedied by a thorough cleaning treatment at [practice_name].

You can then prevent future infections with consistent improvements in your daily oral hygiene routine. This includes special focus when brushing twice each day and flossing thoroughly each evening.

You’ll need to brush your teeth twice per day with an abrasive toothpaste and floss each evening. Ideally, you want to floss after you’re done eating for the day. This will prevent residual food material and plaque from bolstering bacterial growth in your mouth while you sleep.

You need to also make sure to floss behind your last tooth. This is an area that is often ignored, but it can harbor significant food particles, plaque, and tartar.

Once you are done brushing and flossing, you can then rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash. This will help remove loose food particles and
kill some of the lingering bacteria in your mouth.

If you live in the [city], [state], area and you have gingivitis concerns, you should call [phone] to seek professional diagnosis and treatment from Dr. [doctor_name].

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