Cosmetic Dentist in Waco, Temple & Gatesville

Do you have a smile that you’re not happy with? We can help! Acre Wood Dental offers various services to correct cosmetic dental problems for patients in Waco, Temple, Round Rock, and Gatesville, Texas. We offer teeth whitening, dental implants, veneers, and more. We want to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted – and we’ll work hard to make that happen.

How Do I Get Started on Cosmetic Dentistry in Waco, Temple, Round Rock, and Gatesville?

The first thing to do is call us to book an appointment at one of our three locations in Texas. During your consultation, we’ll sit down and discuss what you want to achieve. Dr. Johnson and the Acre Wood Dental team will examine your mouth, teeth, and gums to determine which treatment will work best for you. Once we’ve decided on a treatment plan, we’ll get started! The time it takes to complete your cosmetic dental treatment will depend on the procedure (or procedures) we’re performing.

We know you want to look and feel your best in Waco, Temple, or Gatesville. Our cosmetic dental solutions can help. 

What Are the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Improve your self-esteem and confidence: When you don’t like your smile, it can harm your self-esteem. After cosmetic dental treatment, you’ll feel better about yourself and your smile. You may find that you smile more often, which can lead to better social interactions and opportunities.

Look younger and more attractive: Did you know cosmetic dental treatment can make you look younger? It’s true! A more youthful smile can do wonders for your appearance.

Enhanced career opportunities: If you’re looking for a new job or hoping to get a promotion, cosmetic dental treatment can give you the edge you need. A great smile can make an excellent first impression, leading to new opportunities. Studies have shown that people with straight, white teeth are more likely to succeed in their jobs.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures in Waco, Temple, Round Rock, and Gatesville

At Acre Wood Dental, we offer several different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures, including:

Teeth Whitening: This is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures. We offer both in-office and take-home teeth whitening kits.

Dental Veneers: Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to the front of your teeth. We can use them to correct a variety of cosmetic dental problems, including stained teeth, chipped teeth, and misshapen teeth.

Dental Bonding: With our dental bonding in Waco, Temple, Round Rock, and Gatesville, Texas, we use tooth-colored resin to improve the appearance of your teeth. We can use it to address many cosmetic dental concerns, including stained teeth, chipped teeth, and gaps between teeth.

Dental Implants: Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. A small titanium post is carefully placed in your jawbone, and an artificial tooth (crown) is then attached to the post. Dental implants look and function just like natural teeth.

How Do I Find the Best Cosmetic Dentist In The Waco, Temple, or Gatesville Areas?

When it comes to finding the best dentist, you want someone who is experienced, qualified, and has a good reputation. And we want you to work with a dentist you feel comfortable with. Here are some tips on how to find the best dentist in the Waco, Temple, or Gatesville areas:

Ask family and friends for recommendations: When it comes to finding a great dentist, word-of-mouth is often the best way to go. Ask your family and friends if they have any recommendations.

Check online reviews: Websites like Google and Yelp can be a great way to find out what other people are saying about a particular dentist.

Ask your regular dentist for a referral: If you already have a regular dentist, you can ask him or her for a referral to a cosmetic dentist.

Come in to meet us: We’d welcome you to stop by and say hello at our Waco, Temple, or Gatesville locations. This is a great way to understand if you feel comfortable with the staff, doctor, and office environment. We’d appreciate the opportunity to get to know you and earn your business. 

Call To Schedule a Consultation with Our Cosmetic Dentist Today!

With our quality services and experienced staff, we can give you a beautiful smile that will make you feel more confident in social and professional settings. You deserve to look and feel your best, and we can help make that happen.

 Contact us today to schedule an appointment! We would be happy to discuss your cosmetic dental needs with you.

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